Old Glory

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Anti-Muslim" and Freedom of Religion

Here are some interesting excerpts from an article written by Robert on Jihad Watch-

"Anti-Muslim" is a term that Islamic supremacists and their Leftist enablers like to use of people who are fighting for human rights against Sharia -- and it's easy to see why: it frames their opponents as "bigots" and "haters," takes the focus away from their anti-woman, anti-free speech, anti-free thought, anti-equality of rights agenda, and has the added bonus of stirring up their more bloody-minded coreligionists to violence.

I am not "anti-Muslim." I am anti-Sharia, anti-jihad, anti-oppression, anti-terror, and so should be every free person.

I especially love these last two sentences about not being "anti-Muslim".  Remember it to share with others when you are accused of being "anti-Muslim" or not supporting the Constitution with freedom of religion.  I recently was accused of even DESTROYING the Constitution because I am actively trying to do my part to stop radical Islam and Shariah Law from infecting our country, spreading it's poison, and stealing our freedoms.  THAT is what will actually destroy our Constitution.

I am a firm believer in freedom of religion.  The sad thing is that many Muslims are hiding behind our freedom of religion when their religion can't be separated from their perverse laws, culture, and sick need to control the world.

Remember... A person's freedom is forfeited when it takes away the freedom of others.

To read the full article on Jihad Watch go to:

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