Old Glory

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Illegal Super-Highway

Here are two video news clips about the dangers of not controlling immigration at our borders.  I find it especially interesting that these news clips are out of Atlanta, Ga.  This is a national crisis, not just an  Arizona problem or Border problem.  It's about the law, NOT Racism!

http://www.wsbtv.com/video/23438021/ Link to TV news video from Atlanta, GA. Prayer rugs in the desert.

http://www.wsbtv.com/video/23438712/  Part 2. Shows list of OTM's Other than Mexicans.

We, in Arizona, know you're boycotting us -- but you really should come out here and see our Beautiful Sonoran Desert.

It's just gorgeous right now!We know you'd love it and maybe you can share what you saw with the rest of the country so they can love it too!
This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers.
This area is located in a wash, approximately 1.5 miles long, just south of Tucson, Arizona. If a flood came, all this would be washed to the river and then onto the sea!
It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it.
And of course the trail leading out of the wash in our city, heads directly NORTH to Tucson, then leads to your town tomorrow.

Consider, too, the ugly reality of the rape tree, often found at dump sites. The coyotes who lead groups into the country will sometimes peel a woman out of the group, rape her and hang her panties from a tree as a kind of trophy. The rape tree pictured here was part of a massive dump in the heavily trafficked Altar Valley.

In an article from The Tucson Weekly:
       There's one additional issue these dumpsites clarify: Illegal immigration into Arizona
 is just a vast border-area problem, correct?
   Not even close. A lot of the trash pickup at the Ironwood takes place on trails threading around Silverbell Mine, 75 miles north of the line. BLM has cleaned alien layups in metro Phoenix and, incredibly, in the Agua Fria National Monument, 40 miles north of central Phoenix.

Illegal alien trash dumps can also be found within the Tucson city limits. Want to see one? Drive east from downtown on Interstate 10, exit at Wilmot Road, and turn left. Follow Wilmot for 1.4 miles; turn left onto the dirt path, park and follow the garbage.

   Some of it, on the fringes, is urban trash left by nearby residents. But if you walk back toward the interstate, or west toward the Pima Air and Space Museum, the ground overflows with clothes, backpacks, water bottles and plastic trash bags, which illegals use as raincoats.

   When groups hole up here waiting for their pickup rides, they're aided by locals who make money delivering food and drinks. The evidence is all over the ground, in discarded pizza boxes, Kentucky Fried Chicken tubs and soft-drink containers.

   We know Arabs are coming, from the discovery of three prayer rugs near Douglas and an Arabic diary inside a backpack in Hereford. In 2004, a rancher west of Fort Huachuca answered his door to greet a female illegal wanting to use the phone. The call was to Libya. ~ TucsonWeekly.com by Leo W. Banks

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