Old Glory

Friday, May 21, 2010

Press Release from Pima County Republican Party


Obama Sympathizes with Calderón and Posner Apologizes to China

It’s nice to know that Arizona has achieved global prominence in the human rights arena, even if this prominence is not based on reality. Although SB 1070 is not in effect yet, Obama and his administration have already decided to throw Arizona under the bus. Assistant Secretary of State Posner wasted no time apologizing to China – yes, China – about SB1070. When President Calderon of Mexico criticized Arizona, Obama supported him. The Democrats in Congress even gave President Calderon’s uninformed criticism a standing ovation. Apparently unaware that Arizona’s new law expressly forbids the racial profiling that they condemn, President Obama, President Calderon, Attorney General Holder, Homeland Security Napolitano, and Assistant Secretary of State Posner are the latest examples of those who have criticized Arizona’s new law without either reading or understanding it. The hypocrisy of this is breathtaking. Federal law grants law enforcement authority to check immigration status without the lawful stop and reasonable suspicion that Arizona requires. The treatment of illegal immigrants by the governments of Mexico and China is far harsher, with far fewer procedural safeguards, than Arizona’s new law. Pima GOP Chairman Bob Westerman said, “Obama and his administration have convicted Arizona of human rights abuses, while ignoring the outrages that occur regularly in Mexico and China. And they have done so while grossly misrepresenting the law.”

It’s time for the Obama administration to get a grip. It’s time they ask why the vast majority of Americans support Arizona’s new law. And, before they get concerned about the potential for abuse of Arizona’s law, they need to take a hard look at the even greater potential for abuse under Federal law. Moreover, any attempt to compare Arizona’s new law to China’s human rights record, where thousands died in Tiananmen Square, is deceitful and dishonest.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for bringing attention to this issue. My parents live in Pima County, and can no longer go to places they used to enjoy because of the crime that has accompanied the influx of illegal aliens. Sometimes my mother cannot go out in her back yard because illegals are crossing her property out back. There is nothing racist about upholding existing immigration laws. "Illegal" is not a race.

    You have done a wonderful job with this blog - it looks awesome! - Cowboyannie
